• Mon - Sat: 8:00 - 18:00
  • contact@panaceagroup.ca
  • [vc_empty_space height=”10px”][vc_empty_space height=”5px”][vc_empty_space height=”15px”]Good site design can dictate how well a development project fits with the surrounding environment, speed up the approvals process, and significantly influence the cost and schedule. This is especially true for urban sites or those with complex environmental histories or conditions. PANACEA excels at creating value from these sites. Our broad skillset, thorough understanding of the environmental factors, experience working with urban infrastructure, and knowledge of how to effectively manage stormwater make us the ideal partner for creative urban infill development.

    Building on an urban site is a collaborative process. All design disciplines must work together to make the best use of a site. We make sure we thoroughly understand our clients’ goals and the concerns of the entire development team and account for those issues in our plans. Our collaborative approach also extends to the community where the project is located. Because we work with cities every day to maintain and improve water, power, wastewater, and drainage infrastructure we know what their interests are and design site utilities to mesh with existing systems and provide mutual benefit. And our reputation for quality helps speed up permit approvals to keep our clients’ projects on schedule.

    We have been involved in projects on the leading edge of stormwater management, working with communities and regulators to understand how to reduce runoff and mitigate pollution while controlling long-term costs. Our engineers know how to apply low impact development approaches to control stormwater, improve site aesthetics, and keep maintenance reasonable. These practices are constantly evolving, and we are working with clients in the public and private sector on implement the latest proven technologies at a reasonable cost.

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